Hi, my name is

Shashanka ‘Shank’

I’m a problem solver who uses the web as my medium.

Based in Chicago, I’m a full-stack web developer by trade who curates experiences with tech. I specialize in conceptualizing + bringing ideas to life while leading teams to reach their potential.


Howdy, I’m Shashanka or as most people know me, ‘Shank’. I’m a full-stack web developer turned leader who loves a challenge and a good JavaScript function. A semi-self-taught web developer, my interest started while looking for part time jobs in college. While studying Math + Computer Science with a Java focus, I realized everyone and their mother needs a website. Within my circle I was able to dive into the industry by freelancing projects in various verticals including: restaurants, transportation, automotive services + weddings.

Fast forward to today, I have taken those foundational skills and applied them at the agency I have spent the good chunk of my young adulthood in. At the agency, I have been the point person for all tech and have grown the engineering team to a cohesive unit of folks from all walks of life. A problem solver at heart, I love crafting solutions with exciting tech. 

Aside from the world of code I am an amateur craft beer enthusiast, 1992-2006 hip hop savant and self-proclaimed humorist. 


Let’s get straight to the important stuff, below is a link to download my resume, my LinkedIn and if you scroll even further a collection of some sweet projects I’ve worked on. Hit my line to learn more about my experience here  
